Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Uses of the Blog, Continued

Dave Rogers, a sometime preacher by his own admission, wrestles with the difficulties of preaching in today's hyperactive, warp-speed times, and muses on ways of adapting to them:

"But I keep wondering if St. Paul meant "preacher" as only as a person who stands in a pulpit and speaks to a congregation. Or can/should "preaching" extend itself beyond that to incorporate new forms and media? Paul himself certainly adapted his preaching style to that of the prevailing culture (see Acts 17). Shouldn't we do the same?

I'm not suggesting using PowerPoint or overhead projectors to augment the spoken message. I'm wondering about new paradigms and means and technologies. I'm wondering about interactivity, about team preaching (where messages are prepared by a multidisciplinary group), about (for lack of a better term) "blog-type" sermons that don't end at 12:15 sharp--about sermons that nest in cyber-space where people can chew the fat together, debate, question and mull. (Much like we do right here on a variety of topics.) And where the pastor is freed by the congregation to engage in such delightful conversations."

I'd say go to it , Dave!

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