Let's all give Kevin a big Gonzo yeehaw! Can you tell this joint's gotten a little depressing and empty over the last few months? Yah, I know. As RB's soul goes, so goes RGE. While the faithful few continue with great conversation, the blog ain't what it used to be. It's got me missing Shirkey, and that's never good.
We gotta refresh the links, list some new blood, do some creative stuff. I've asked Kevin Marks, aforemention fixer of links, to co-administer this blog with me, so, that means you should kiss up to him now. Although Kevin is busy with his own
gang blog on the Small Pieces book, he's offered to pitch in around here when he has time. Thanks again, Kevin. Any ideas from the group about how to lively up ourselves would be good.
And on that note, and if you feel like reelin', check out the
latest EGR, RageBoy unplugged (someone musta already used that once upon a time, but, it felt like that to me). There's too much I could say, so I'll shut up. I'm going to the back of the class now to doodle.