Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Gonzo Marketing Movie from 1947

Seasonally inappropriate, but the movie I watched tonight was Miracle on 34th Street which has Santa founding truth-based marketing. 'Don't buy it here at Macy's - go to Gimmels where its cheaper'.

Monday, June 17, 2002

I vote for "Authentic"

Wow! What a scathing, unkind piece that personally attacks all those people who were willing to share their actual life/work experiences with a product. The switch stories are individual and obviously heartfelt and it was, imho, a stroke of Gonzo genius on Apple's part to choose to market its products this way. As a recent convert myself I've been meaning to submit a story, and Orlowski's piece was probably just what I needed to prompt me to take the plunge and explain why my Mac is not "a punishment surrogate, a child substitute or a masturbation object," but the most innovative and headache-relieving computing tool I've ever had the pleasure of using. They could easily re-brand from "Apple" to "Advil." (May have to throw that in.)

Apple's Real People - Gonzo?

Andrew Orlowski attacks Apple's Real People Ads:
Ease of use is a strong suite for Apple - particularly with its recent consumer apps - so unusually for advertising, this is a new campaign which promises to something approaching the truth. It's a strong premise, but what sinks it is the execution.

Quite frankly, this new ad campaign is terrifying. No, it's worse than that - it's a theatre of cruelty that makes victims of Apple's loyal Macintosh user base.

I think he is unnecessarily abusive about their looks, but is it just that seeing people in Ads who aren't models disturbs him? Is Apple's switch campaign Gonzo? Are these people's voices authentic, or has the process of selection removed that?

Some Gonzo Thoughts On Corporate Blogging

From Sean Carton, clickZ, "Macromedia Blogs and the Death of the 'Official Story.'"
From Dave Rogers, Can Blogs Find A Place In The Corpocracy?
From me, "'Official Story,' Meet 'Trusty Spokesperson.'"

(Phew, I could use an injection from Shelley's Needle about now.)