Thursday, August 13, 2020

There's a New Sheriff In Town! Actually Two.

Something happened yesterday, August 12, 2020.  Just like some classic old Western movie, where there are bad guys riding around town, making trouble, breaking things, stealing horses, dumping good guys on their faces in the mud, or shooting them in the back, all looks lost,  the frightened country folk are slamming their doors, and latching their locks, looking hopeless, but then (queue new happy, hopeful music)  a new sheriff rides into town, giving the inhabitants a sense of much needed relief -- and everything changes. 

The speeches Joe Biden and especially Kamala Harris gave yesterday on a rainy day -- to nobody, in an empty room -- but to everybody, across the globe, in a very full room of slightly hopeless folks in every country, changed everything. 

There's a new sheriff in town and I feel so optimistic for the first time, in a long time.  Two great new sheriffs and everything just changed. It's fun to see two amazing leaders take the globe and change the way it's spinning, like two top basketball players, twirling a ball on one finger, ready to play. 


AKMA said...

Neither Biden nor Harris would have been my pick for their offices, but the world is counting on the USA doing the right thing in November, and restoring to government officeholders who at least understand the theoretical premise of states[person]ship and shame, of truth and disgrace.

Gary Turner said...

Holy shitburgers. This thing still works? This is like Bladerunner 2049 when someone blows the dust off some crusty old machine and it still lights up.

Social Director of the Internet said...

That’s exactly what this is. I wish someone would start up get your war on again. We could use some of that.

deanland said...

It was heartwarming to see politics as forward-thinking and empathetic. To see a sense of positive direction, such a change from what's been the case for the past three and a half years.

Despite the "when they go low we go high" sentiment, now is not the time to come to a knife fight with a rubber spoon. The TV and digital ad campaigns (yes, plural, almost state by state) must attack the attacks as well as the specific issues of concern to those constituencies.

More so than anything else: the Democrats must put aside their internal squabbles (and that includes popular new faces and a certain Independent), present a UNIFIED party in support of the candidates and the slate.

Anonymous said...

That’s exactly what this is. I wish someone would start up get your war on again. We could use some of that. I own an online assignment writing services for colleges & universities UK students with their academic works.