Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Permission Statement

Chris Locke wrote this column for Corante. He hasn't written much there yet. How 'bout that grocery list man. But back to the point. Why am I taking the time to remind you about that article? Hm...Let's not have any niceties about it, let's just pluck some words and run with it, shall we?
It's interesting that the first Ad Hominem post is titled 'Permission Statement'. Opppss. You missed that. You actually thought the title was Ad Hominem and then you wondered what the fuck that ment. Yeah, the title is "Permission Statment".

"What we are seeing today on the web -- discounting the plethora of corporate spew -- is the emergence of ourselves as human beings discovering what it means to be human. If you're not doing that, do it. Spook yourself. If you're already spooked, don't quit now. We've only begun to scratch the surface. Why is the net getting so much pushback from the top-down hierarchies of power that freak if they can't control everything. Because it's working, that's why. We're giving ourselves permission to be outlaws"

Let's have an honest talk.
Yo are so proper and nice and would never be an outlaw.
You secretly dream of being an outlaw but not actually being one in the light of day.
You would never stand in front of a buldozer but you will cry for those who did.

Being Human is Outlawed.

Outlawed? Who outlawed it?
Possible answer coming ..... bada bing... drum rolls.
Watch out. Here it comes.


You passed the law.
You wrote the law.
You enforce the law.

You Outlawed 'Being Human' for yourself.
You are safe.
You will die safe, unused, hardly a scratch on you (unless you stand in front of a bulldozer)

And you thought it was some High School teacher or a teller at the bank or your father or your mother or Department of Motor Vehicles. Nope. it was You all along. You just didn't know aobut it. You just didn't know that it was You who revoked the Permission to remain Human. (No, you don't have to stand in front of a bulldozer)

And now... Enter Seth Godin.
State your permission

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