Friday, November 30, 2001

Mike, great stuff and food for thought. As I return from a week on the gulf (Pensacola Beach), I'm deep in a quandry about what I want, how I feel, where I'm going, what I've been doing. My recent deprture from Atlanta amazed me. How easy it was to leave the laptop and the blogging behind. After a few zings of panic on the drive down (jeez, what am i gonna do without my laptop? I'm sure there's an Internet cafe somewhere on pensacola beach. I'll just get online there. don't worry, it'll be okay), I totally and completely forgot I was connected to anything but the heated beachside pool. All of the connected online world--so much a part of my daily experience--completely disappeared, and I didn't give it a second thought for five days, until we were about two hours outside of Atlanta. (Unlike my offline "work" responsibilities, which I didn't think about until *after* I got home.)

So what were my thoughts once I hit the 75/85 connector? "Wow, I wonder what's up on RGE? Wonder what everyone's been talking about. It'll be nice to talk to everyone again. I wonder if I have any EGR sends. I wonder if that stinking editor has gotten back to me about my article abstract (not)." Short and simple, I had something to look forward to. A reason to come home. Blogging gives me a reason to get up (a reason to stay up), a reason to connect, and someone(s) to connect with.

For Mike's "what's the purpose" questions, I weigh in this way:

To make the world a better place: not really, because I don't want that responsibility. too tired.
Deeper relations with others: kind of--others like me anyway. not the other kind of others though.
New avenue for expression: yes, my voice has been sequestered too long.
Honor, recongition: guilty with explanation--I think "acceptance" is a bigger need for me than honor or recognition. At least that's what my shrink says.
Rich and famous: well, shit, it sure would be nice if this blogging paid off eventually. I think, regardless of whether or not you blog for the hope of money, blogging or some Progeny of blogging will one day pay off for us, especially as more and more smart people are "involuntarily separated" from their jobs and take up arms against the corporate model.
Entertainment: it's fun, yes, but it's a lot of work too, isn't it? so more than entertainment, I'd say for the artistic, creative joy of it all.

So that's where I'm at, as I struggle to lift the fog of vacation and come to terms with the idea of once again being land locked.

More later. sorry i'm so down. keep up the good fight. -j.

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